I have a lot of thoughts. That's an understatement. When I was a kid, I used to take time every week or so just to sit by the wall at recess and live in my own little imaginative world. I had a lot of scenarios and storylines I would make up in my head. In one, my friends and I were cowboys riding horses through the wild wild west. In another one, my entire class and I were riding our bikes through all 50 states to see the sights. In another one, we were biking around the world. Sometimes, my friends and I would live by our wits in the wilderness for awhile. Sometimes, we would have adventures in the big city (I grew up in a town of 4500 people). Either way, I would always imagine I was somewhere else, doing something exciting, with those who I cared about most. As much fun as it was to live in my own little world, eventually the whistle would blow and I'd have to come back to reality. I wish I would have written some of those imaginative excursions down, it would be fun to read through what went through the head of 8-year-old me on a rainy day.
Even though I'm older now, the thoughts still fly. Granted, I don't think about impossible but exciting scenarios as often now (though it's still fun every once in awhile). These days, the things that go through my head come more from the things I see going on around me. Sometime, though, I find that the impossible and the real aren't that far apart as I once thought. For instance, if you told me a year and a half ago that I was going to be married soon, I would have laughed at you. Yet, in one month, I'm going to be standing at the altar, saying "I do." I've dreamed of this for years, but until about 7 months ago, that's all it was, a dream. And now, I'm watching my dream unfold before my very eyes. Also, I dreamed for years about getting out of my small town and going on an adventure to the big city, and trying out the world for myself. For the last five years, I've been living that dream, when for 18 years it seemed impossible. At age 23, I'm living in a world where dreams become reality. Though, hopefully, not the dreams where I get chased by unicorns. That's just scary. Anyway, this is a place where all the thoughts, dreams, and visions in my head will finally have an outlet. Feel free to read about them, but enter at your own risk. You have been warned.
The old song says, "Fools rush in where wise men never go." So even though I have been duly warned, I'm rushing in and signing on to read the random overflow of your always insightful mind.
ReplyDeleteWho wouldn't want to go where dreams become reality?
Uh-oh, I think I'm being stalked by a rogue unicorn. I was warned.